Saturday, August 3, 2024

Book Review: All We Could Still Have



Years ago, I was in a writer's group with Diane Barnes and I got to read an early draft of this book. So much of it stuck with me - a true sign of good writing - and it was really fascinating to see how the story had grown into this polished final version. I did an author interview with her about the writing process that is posted here and her answer to the second question blew me away as it's so different from the way I write, but it makes sense when I think about the differences to the earlier version. (You have to read the interview to find out what I'm talking about!)

And, clearly, it worked. All We Could Still Have tells the story of a couple struggling with infertility. It's a challenge that brings out the worst in both of them and the individual decisions they make threaten to tear them apart.

For me, it is the characters - memorable over years - that make this such a fulfilling read.

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