Monday, June 17, 2024

Book Review: We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves


The premise of We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves is so interesting and I really wanted to like it. Unfortunately, it read like a report of things happening and made no emotional impact. In the "show, don't tell" debate, this was all tell. None of the characters were three-dimensional, not even the main character.

It didn't help that the voice actor sounded like AI. It made me wonder if it would have been easier to connect with the story if I had read the book myself rather than listening to it.

The strangest thing to me was that the section of the story that becomes the focus of the narrative was the least interesting bit. All the interesting stuff is background while what gets foregrounded is the narrator's semester at college when she -SPOILER ALERT- makes a weird friend and acquires a puppet when the airline gives her the wrong luggage.

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