Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Book Review: The Beginning of Everything


I've read several books from this author and I've enjoyed every one. Her books are a great example of character driven versus plot driven. The storyline may meander or even seem to tangent a little bit, but no one minds because the characters are so believable and a meandering plot ends up feeling even more true to life.

In The Beginning of Everything, life has taken a sharp downward turn for Jess and she finds herself squatting in an unoccupied home. When the owner discovers her, they strike up an unlikely friendship and she ends up helping him with the renovation as he helps her get back on her feet.The plausibility challenge of the premise is solved by the amazing dialogue. They discuss class and social awkwardness and past relationships in such interesting, intricate ways that the reader completely understands why they're drawn to one another.

I recommend this book and look forward to more.

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