Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Best Book I've Read This Year

I do not have a Kindle. I spend a lot of time reading works in progress by aspiring writers on my laptop. I have read enough of these to realize that there is quality work out there that just doesn't find a publisher. Still, I have always been wary of self-published novels.

Then I found Tom's Daughters, which is available as a Kindle ebook. You can download Kindle for PC for free. I read enough of this on Authonomy to be confident that I wasn't wasting my money. There are a handful of typos, but that's not so different from a book by a standard publisher, and it wasn't enough to be distracting.

The plot here is juicy: the death of an estranged father triggers a journey into the past, revealing all kinds of family secrets. This is literary fiction with some mystery mixed in and the twists and turns will keep you guessing. But the real gem here is the characters. They're relatable and interesting, the kind of people you miss when you've finished reading.

I'm looking forward to the day this book gets picked up by a big publisher and I can buy print copies as gifts. Until then, I fully recommend the ebook.

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